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If you’ve been part of the RVing lifestyle at all, you’ve heard lots of stories about folks who decided one day to go full-time as RVers, put everything in storage and hit the road.
That is not us.
We are the folks on the flip side.
Full-time RV living, becoming nomads, traveling across the US?
For us, this has been well-planned and well-researched for the past five – yup, count ‘em, five – years. We cannot be accused of jumping in without knowing what we’re getting into here.
We attended RV shows. We visited a variety of RV dealers. We sat in RVs, trailers, 5th wheels and trucks. Gwynne did all sorts of research, joining a variety of Facebook groups, some for full-timers, some for newbies, some for women only, some for low-cost RVing. The list of groups and YouTube channels is seemingly endless – and can be overwhelming as you’re starting out.
We decided there would be no storage unit for us. We downsized photographs, digitized music and organized paperwork. We sold just about everything we own, including the house. Our house – no, our new home – would now have 6 wheels and could take us anywhere we desire, to meet new people, to see new sights and to have new experiences. (Unfortunately, our dogs did not make it to join us on the road. We will definitely be adding a new four-legged family member – or two – soon.)
But how would we make a living on the road?
Bobby had traveled with his family in a Class C when he was growing up. At 15, he took his driver’s license test in Millington, Tennessee, in a 32’ Class C RV! But he knew things had probably changed just a bit since then and he wanted to know more about today’s RVs and their systems.
In looking for educational opportunities, Gwynne found the RV Systems Training Course, sponsored by the Mobile RV Academy and taught by the Texas RV Professor, Terry Cooper.[1] In May 2017, this was Bobby’s introduction to RV inspections as a possible business. But there was still more research to do before committing to this as a business and a lifestyle. (Are you sensing a theme here? 😊)
In February 2018, Bobby completed his NRVIA Certified Level 2 RV Inspector designation. We realized that to truly make this our business, Gwynne needed to follow suit. She started out by taking the RV Maintenance Training Home Study course, also taught by Terry Cooper; she finished this and completed the testing for NRVIA Level 1 RV Inspector designation on July 1, 2018. But she wanted more education. In April 2019, she enrolled in the RV Maintenance Training Course (now called RV Fundamentals Training), taught at the NRVTA (National RV Training Academy) in Athens, Texas. This course was taught by Terry Cooper and Todd Henson. The following week, she completed her NRVIA Certified Level 2 RV Inspector designation as well. (New curriculum for NRVIA Certified RV Inspectors began January 2021.)
In addition to these certifications, we are both RVTI Level 2 RV Technicians (formerly RVDA/RVIA Certified RV Technician designation). We are also Aqua-Hot Comfort Zone Specialists, so we understand the concepts involved in hydronic heating.
We’re telling you about us to put your mind at ease. If you trust Amayzin RV Inspections & Services, LLC, with your RV inspection, we’ll do our research – and share that information with you – so you can be an informed consumer as well!
We look forward to seeing you on the road!
[1] The Mobile RV Academy is now the NRVTA, starting with RV Fundamentals Training.

Visiting Denver Chop House & Brewery in Denver, Colorado